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WNY Wrestling

7th Annual Pal-Mac Varsity Wrestling Duals

Palmyra-Macedon High School

Palmyra, New York
Dec 1, 2018



Varsity - Finals


                                                                  Participating Teams
Canandaigua [NY] Canisteo-Greenwood [NY] Hilton [NY] Lancaster [NY] Midlakes [NY] Palmyra-Macedon [NY] Pittsford [NY] St. Joseph's [NY] Waterloo [NY] Webster Thomas [NY]
1. Hilton (5-0)
2. Pittsford (4-1)
3. Webster Thomas (4-1)
4. Lancaster (3-2)
5. Canisteo-Greenwood (3-2)
6. Palmyra-Macedon (2-3)
7. Midlakes (2-3)
8. Waterloo (1-4)
9. St. Joseph's (1-4)
10. Canandaigua (0-5)

                      Championship Final (1st)
Hilton 57, Pittsford 20
 99 Tyler Simons (Hilton) > Matthew Mulvehill (Pittsford) fall 5:20
106 Gregor McNeil (Hilton) > Scott Karpovich (Pittsford) fall 0:25
113 Rocco Camillaci (Hilton) > Patrick Cowie (Pittsford) fall 0:30
120 Alex Perez (Hilton) > Jordan Testa (Pittsford) decision 3-2
126 Greg Diakomihalis (Hilton) forfeit
132 Ryan Burgos (Hilton) > Nathan Cotroneo (Pittsford) fall 1:13
138 Ryan Hinman (Hilton) > Josh Robinson (Pittsford) decision 5-0
145 Nate Eccleston (Hilton) > Alex Goulet (Pittsford) decision 4-0
152 Nick Sanko (Pittsford) > Jacob Soricone (Hilton) fall 2:57
160 Mike Fronczak (Hilton) > Jack Culhane (Pittsford) fall 1:42
170 Bobby Foltz (Pittsford) > Ruvim Poplavskiy (Hilton) DQ
182 Alex Marciniak (Pittsford) > Billy Hart (Hilton) technical fall 21-5
195 Sam DePrez (Hilton) forfeit
220 Louis Rocca (Pittsford) > Jacob Cretelle (Hilton) decision 4-3
285 Collin Burns (Hilton) > Alec Murray (Pittsford) fall 0:25

                      Consolation Final (3rd)
Webster Thomas 52, Lancaster 16
 99 Michael Schaefer (Lancaster) > Jacob Mendola (WT) major decision 17-3
106 Myles Gronowski (Lancaster) > Cole Nadritch (WT) technical fall 4:34 15-0
113 Chase Gottstein (WT) > Kaleb Schurkus (Lancaster) decision 7-4
120 C.J. Lee (WT) > Nick Barberio (Lancaster) decision 6-1
126 Jackson Allen (WT) > Will Sundell (Lancaster) fall 1:25
132 Jaden Barnwell (WT) > Ethan Monin (Lancaster) major decision 12-1
138 Mark Smithers (WT) > Bryce Bolognese (Lancaster) decision 6-1
145 Max Allen (WT) > Josh Jelonek (Lancaster) fall 1:38
152 Alexander Bowersox (WT) > Cody Phillips (Lancaster) decision 9-2
160 Ryan Stencel (Lancaster) > Cameron Coccitti (WT) major decision 15-1
170 Tyler Vandermark (WT) > Daniel Empfield (Lancaster) fall 1:26
182 Christopher Pannell (WT) > Anthony Tigani (Lancaster) fall 0:55
195 Noah Lehman (WT) > Codie Scotland (Lancaster) fall
220 David Gaca (Lancaster) > Sean Howlett (WT) decision 5-2
285 Anthony Oca (WT) > Cullen Brown (Lancaster) fall 2:35

                      Consolation Final (5th)
Canisteo-Greenwood 42, Palmyra-Macedon 39
 99 Xavier deJesus-Remchuk (CG) > Andrew Zelie (PM) fall 0:37
106 Jace Schafer (PM) > Braidon Woodward (CG) major decision 11-1
113 Dominic Affronti (PM) > Luke Kilmer (CG) decision 6-0
120 Bryson Terwilliger (CG) > Aiden Gales (PM) fall 4:43
126 Bradley Cheek (CG) > Griffin Palmer (PM) fall 0:28
132 Kaleb Burgess (PM) > Alex Mason (CG) fall 2:50
138 Ethan Ferro (PM) > Dale Houghtaling (CG) fall 0:12
145 Gage Burgess (PM) > Ean Magill (CG) technical fall 17-0
152 John Davis (CG) > Cale Bartosch (PM) fall 4:27
160 Jared Davis (CG) > Rory Sloan (PM) fall 0:54
170 Ryder Slayton (CG) > Jake Pate (PM) fall 1:53
182 Blake Ilges (CG) > Zachory Trautman (PM) fall 0:25
195 Hunter Battoglia (PM) > Nathan Button (CG) fall 5:00
220 Riley Belanger (PM) forfeit
285 Josh Shafer (PM) > Jacob Mullen (CG) SV 3-1 (1OT)

                      Consolation Final (7th)
Midlakes 66, Waterloo 21
 99 Teddy Raes (Midlakes) forfeit
106 Chase Peacock (Midlakes) > Jacob Carr (Waterloo) fall 0:38
113 Aiden Conge (Midlakes) > Cameron Campbell (Waterloo) fall 1:33
120 Brandon MacDonell (Midlakes) > Jayson Minguez (Waterloo) fall 0:53
126 Eric Peck-Elzey (Midlakes) > Jose Rivera (Waterloo) fall 10:18
132 Cody Helker (Midlakes) > Derek Colegrove (Waterloo) fall 1:23
138 Thomas Laughlan (Waterloo) > Ryan Peck-Elzey (Midlakes) decision 11-9
145 Kaleb Seeley (Waterloo) forfeit
152 Kain Bennett (Midlakes) > Neil Ferrington (Waterloo) fall 2:48
160 Preston Cooper (Midlakes) > Nathan Costantino (Waterloo) fall 0:26
170 Wyatt Smith (Midlakes) > Isaiah Cottman (Waterloo) fall 0:14
182 Curtis Grimes (Midlakes) > Dylan Amidon (Waterloo) fall 1:45
195 Cole Marr (Waterloo) > Justin Teed (Midlakes) fall 0:41
220 Jacob Wright (Midlakes) > Anthony Hartwell (Waterloo) fall 0:27
285 Jake Dewall (Waterloo) forfeit

                      Consolation Final (9th)
St. Joseph's 42, Canandaigua 37
106 Luke Sheehan (SJ) forfeit
113 Dakota Davis (Canandaigua) forfeit
120 Dalas Jackson (SJ) forfeit
126 Reese Hibbard (Canandaigua) > Michael Jarosz (SJ) fall
132 Garrett Grenauer (SJ) forfeit
138 Jesse Hibbard (Canandaigua) > Mark Westner (SJ) major decision 14-3
145 Mohamad Damlakhi (Canandaigua) forfeit
152 Draven Cruz (Canandaigua) > Thomas Blum (SJ) fall
160 Liam Outhouse (Canandaigua) forfeit
170 Austin Cayward (Canandaigua) > Sullivan Walsh (SJ) decision 4-3
182 Louis Perreault (SJ) > Robert Slowe (Canandaigua) fall
195 Matthew Werts (SJ) forfeit
220 Charles Morrison (SJ) > Ryan Kuhn (Canandaigua) fall
285 Caleb Lesswing (SJ) > Shane Slowe (Canandaigua) fall

Varsity - Pool A


                                                                  Participating Teams
Canandaigua [NY] Lancaster [NY] Palmyra-Macedon [NY] Pittsford [NY] Waterloo [NY]
1. Pittsford (4-0)
2. Lancaster (3-1)
3. Palmyra-Macedon (2-2)
4. Waterloo (1-3)
5. Canandaigua (0-4)

                      Round 1
Lancaster 53, Canandaigua 16
Pittsford 48, Palmyra-Macedon 29
 99 Matthew Mulvehill (Pittsford) > Andrew Zelie (PM) fall
106 Jace Schafer (PM) > Scott Karpovich (Pittsford) fall
113 Dominic Affronti (PM) > Patrick Cowie (Pittsford) technical fall 17-0
120 Aiden Gales (PM) > Jordan Testa (Pittsford) fall
126 Ryan Sanko (Pittsford) > Griffin Palmer (PM) fall
132 Kaleb Burgess (PM) > Nathan Cotroneo (Pittsford) fall
138 Josh Robinson (Pittsford) > Gage Burgess (PM) decision 5-4
145 Nick Sanko (Pittsford) > Ethan Ferro (PM) fall
152 Cale Bartosch (PM) > Jack Culhane (Pittsford) fall
160 John Santowski (Pittsford) > Rory Sloan (PM) fall
170 Alex Marciniak (Pittsford) > Jake Pate (PM) fall
182 Matt Szydlowski (Pittsford) > Zachory Trautman (PM) decision 6-0
195 Max Murphy (Pittsford) > Hunter Battoglia (PM) decision 7-6
220 Louis Rocca (Pittsford) > Riley Belanger (PM) fall
285 Alec Murray (Pittsford) > Josh Shafer (PM) decision 4-2

                      Round 2
Lancaster 63, Waterloo 12
Palmyra-Macedon 48, Canandaigua 31

                      Round 3
Palmyra-Macedon 56, Waterloo 30
Pittsford 75, Canandaigua 9

                      Round 4
Lancaster 69, Palmyra-Macedon 15
Pittsford 69, Waterloo 18
 99 Matthew Mulvehill (Pittsford) forfeit
106 Scott Karpovich (Pittsford) > Jacob Carr (Waterloo) fall 0:13
113 Patrick Cowie (Pittsford) > Cameron Campbell (Waterloo) fall 2:31
120 Jordan Testa (Pittsford) > Jayson Minguez (Waterloo) fall 1:01
126 Ryan Sanko (Pittsford) > Jose Rivera (Waterloo) fall 1:20
132 Nathan Cotroneo (Pittsford) > Derek Colegrove (Waterloo) fall 0:49
138 Josh Robinson (Pittsford) > Zachary Coleman (Waterloo) decision 9-3
145 Nick Sanko (Pittsford) > Kaleb Seeley (Waterloo) fall 0:49
152 Jack Culhane (Pittsford) > Neil Ferrington (Waterloo) fall 3:34
160 John Santowski (Pittsford) > Isaiah Cottman (Waterloo) fall 0:13
170 Alex Marciniak (Pittsford) > Ian Solometo (Waterloo) fall 0:29
182 Dylan Amidon (Waterloo) > Matt Szydlowski (Pittsford) fall 1:51
195 Cole Marr (Waterloo) > Max Murphy (Pittsford) fall 2:20
220 Louis Rocca (Pittsford) > Anthony Hartwell (Waterloo) fall 2:10
285 Jake Dewall (Waterloo) > Alec Murray (Pittsford) fall 0:59

                      Round 5
Pittsford 45, Lancaster 38
 99 Michael Schaefer (Lancaster) > Matthew Mulvehill (Pittsford) fall 1:25
106 Myles Gronowski (Lancaster) > Scott Karpovich (Pittsford) technical fall 4:08 15-0
113 Kaleb Schurkus (Lancaster) > Patrick Cowie (Pittsford) decision 14-7
120 Nick Barberio (Lancaster) > Jordan Testa (Pittsford) fall 1:08
126 Ryan Sanko (Pittsford) > Will Sundell (Lancaster) fall 2:46
132 Nathan Cotroneo (Pittsford) > Ethan Monin (Lancaster) fall 0:51
138 Josh Robinson (Pittsford) > Bryce Bolognese (Lancaster) decision 6-3
145 Nick Sanko (Pittsford) > Josh Jelonek (Lancaster) fall 0:42
152 Jack Culhane (Pittsford) > Cody Phillips (Lancaster) fall
160 Ryan Stencel (Lancaster) > John Santowski (Pittsford) fall 3:07
170 Alex Marciniak (Pittsford) > Daniel Empfield (Lancaster) fall 0:57
182 Anthony Tigani (Lancaster) > Matt Szydlowski (Pittsford) fall 3:12
195 Codie Scotland (Lancaster) > Max Murphy (Pittsford) fall 6:00
220 Louis Rocca (Pittsford) > David Gaca (Lancaster) fall 1:18
285 Alec Murray (Pittsford) > Cullen Brown (Lancaster) fall 1:48
Waterloo 48, Canandaigua 43

Varsity - Pool B


                                                                  Participating Teams
Canisteo-Greenwood [NY] Hilton [NY] Midlakes [NY] St. Joseph's [NY] Webster Thomas [NY]
1. Hilton (4-0)
2. Webster Thomas (3-1)
3. Canisteo-Greenwood (2-2)
4. Midlakes (1-3)
5. St. Joseph's (0-4)

                      Round 1
Hilton 53, Canisteo-Greenwood 25
 99 Braidon Woodward (CG) > Tyler Simons (Hilton) fall 2:52
106 Gregor McNeil (Hilton) > Xavier deJesus-Remchuk (CG) fall 0:19
113 Rocco Camillaci (Hilton) > Luke Kilmer (CG) fall 3:59
120 Bryson Terwilliger (CG) > Angelo Marcello (Hilton) decision 2-0
126 Greg Diakomihalis (Hilton) forfeit
132 Ryan Burgos (Hilton) > Bradley Cheek (CG) fall 0:45
138 Ryan Hinman (Hilton) > Dale Houghtaling (CG) technical fall 19-4
145 Nate Eccleston (Hilton) > Ean Magill (CG) fall 0:25
152 John Davis (CG) > Mike Fronczak (Hilton) decision 13-6
160 Jared Davis (CG) > Jacob Soricone (Hilton) decision 8-6
170 Ryder Slayton (CG) > Ruvim Poplavskiy (Hilton) fall 1:43
182 Blake Ilges (CG) > Billy Hart (Hilton) major decision 10-1
195 Sam DePrez (Hilton) forfeit
220 Jacob Cretelle (Hilton) > Nathan Button (CG) fall 0:19
285 Collin Burns (Hilton) > Jacob Mullen (CG) fall 1:18
Webster Thomas 58, Midlakes 13

                      Round 2
Hilton 57, Midlakes 27
 99 Teddy Raes (Midlakes) > Tyler Simons (Hilton) fall 3:31
106 Gregor McNeil (Hilton) > Chase Peacock (Midlakes) fall 0:54
113 Rocco Camillaci (Hilton) > Aiden Conge (Midlakes) fall 0:28
120 Brandon MacDonell (Midlakes) > Alex Perez (Hilton) decision 6-1
126 Greg Diakomihalis (Hilton) > Eric Peck-Elzey (Midlakes) fall 1:03
132 Ryan Burgos (Hilton) > Cody Helker (Midlakes) fall 1:30
138 Ryan Hinman (Hilton) > Ryan Peck-Elzey (Midlakes) fall 0:48
145 Nate Eccleston (Hilton) forfeit
152 Mike Fronczak (Hilton) > Kain Bennett (Midlakes) fall 1:12
160 Preston Cooper (Midlakes) > Jacob Soricone (Hilton) fall 5:00
170 Josh Orlopp (Midlakes) > Ruvim Poplavskiy (Hilton) fall 1:34
182 Wyatt Smith (Midlakes) > Billy Hart (Hilton) fall 1:59
195 Sam DePrez (Hilton) > Curtis Grimes (Midlakes) fall 0:25
220 Jacob Cretelle (Hilton) > Jacob Wright (Midlakes) decision 5-2
285 Collin Burns (Hilton) forfeit
Webster Thomas 58, St. Joseph's 18

                      Round 3
Canisteo-Greenwood 53, Midlakes 15
Hilton 77, St. Joseph's 6
 99 Tyler Simons (Hilton) forfeit
106 Gregor McNeil (Hilton) > Luke Sheehan (SJ) fall
113 Rocco Camillaci (Hilton) fall
120 Greg Diakomihalis (Hilton) > Dalas Jackson (SJ) fall
126 Nathan Lee (Hilton) > Michael Jarosz (SJ) fall
132 Ryan Burgos (Hilton) > Garrett Grenauer (SJ) fall
138 Ryan Hinman (Hilton) > Mark Westner (SJ) technical fall 19-2
145 Nate Eccleston (Hilton) forfeit
152 Mike Fronczak (Hilton) > Ronnie Jones (SJ) fall
160 Jacob Soricone (Hilton) > Thomas Blum (SJ) fall
170 Sullivan Walsh (SJ) > Ruvim Poplavskiy (Hilton) fall
182 Billy Hart (Hilton) > Louis Perreault (SJ) decision 6-2
195 Sam DePrez (Hilton) > Matthew Werts (SJ) fall
220 Jacob Cretelle (Hilton) > Charles Morrison (SJ) decision 7-6
285 Collin Burns (Hilton) > Caleb Lesswing (SJ) fall

                      Round 4
Canisteo-Greenwood 61, St. Joseph's 18
Hilton 43, Webster Thomas 27
 99 Jacob Mendola (WT) > Tyler Simons (Hilton) decision 10-4
106 Gregor McNeil (Hilton) > Cole Nadritch (WT) major decision 15-2
113 Rocco Camillaci (Hilton) > Chase Gottstein (WT) fall 3:40
120 Greg Diakomihalis (Hilton) > C.J. Lee (WT) fall 3:15
126 Jackson Allen (WT) > Nathan Lee (Hilton) decision 3-1
132 Ryan Burgos (Hilton) > Dylan Schmitt (WT) fall 0:27
138 Ryan Hinman (Hilton) > Mark Smithers (WT) decision 4-2
145 Max Allen (WT) forfeit
152 Alexander Bowersox (WT) > Nate Eccleston (Hilton) decision 5-3
160 Mike Fronczak (Hilton) > Cameron Coccitti (WT) fall 5:02
170 Tyler Langley (WT) > Ruvim Poplavskiy (Hilton) fall 0:45
182 Christopher Pannell (WT) > Billy Hart (Hilton) fall 2:40
195 Sam DePrez (Hilton) > Noah Lehman (WT) fall 0:45
220 Jacob Cretelle (Hilton) > Sean Howlett (WT) decision 4-3
285 Collin Burns (Hilton) > Anthony Oca (WT) decision 4-2

                      Round 5
Midlakes 48, St. Joseph's 27
Webster Thomas 42, Canisteo-Greenwood 31


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